Rules for the authors of the journal “Obstetrics and gynecology: News, Opinions, Training

From January 1, 2021, scientific articles are sent to the editorial board of research and practical peer-reviewed journal "Obstetrics and gynecology: News, Opinions, Training" ONLY in an electronic form through the online form available on the journal's website - SEND ARTICLE.

Articles received by e-mail will not be considered. Thank you for understanding!

When writing an article one should follow the rules of scientific publication composition and stick to the requirements set by the scientific style. Principal distinctions of the scientific style – objectivity, logic, precision.

  • Text materials are delivered as electronic document: word processing programme Microsoft Word, script Times New Roman, 12 font size, 1,5 interval.
  • Volume of the original article is not to excess 8-10 printed pages and reviews - no more than 12-15 printed pages.

The manuscript must have a cover letter (on the form, stamped) signed by the head of the institution in which the work was performed, or his Deputy. The cover letter should indicate that the material is being submitted for publication for the first time. The letter should be scanned (in jred, pdf format).

The top page should contain: the title (in Russian and English). It is unacceptable to use any abbreviations in the title; the title must reflect the essence of the article.

Personal ID for each of the article authors (in Russian and English):

· Last first and middle names (initials are to be transcribed completely);

· scientific degree, rank;

· place of work, position;

· full name of the institution being a base for the work fulfilled (Institute, Chair, Hospital);

· contact telephone number;

· e-mail.

It is necessary to put the last, first and middle name, telephone number and e-mail of the author for possible discussion and messages exchange with regards to the written materials contributed to the editors’ office.

  • An article should contain a digest (volume – 1 printed page) in Russian and in English, highlighting the aims and objectives as well as short description of the undertaken research and conclusions. The volume of the digest is not to exceed 300 words.
  • The article is to contain the key words in Russian and English (requirement for further use in search systems and for classification of the articles by the topics).
  • Original article is to contain the following sections:

Introduction: reasoning the actuality of the investigated point, as well as a brief list references to confirm the absence of the actual problem decision.

The main part:

· Aim of the research

· Material and methods: objectives setting, ways and methods descriptions to solve the scientific problem set (including applied statistical methods).

· Results: description of the obtained data.

· Discussion.

· Conclusion/Outcomes: total of the research is struck in brief; enumerated conclusions are provided briefly formulating principal scientific results of the article as the authors’ specified interconnections (ties) between the examined object’s parameters. The conclusions are to logically correspond to the aims and objectives set at the beginning of the article.

· Illustrations (diagrams, pictures, photos) are to be provided in a separate file in the formats tiff, eps, jpeg; text-subscription with the corresponding enumeration in the text of the article. The image size in the provided file is to be the same as its final physical size (in millimeters), with resolution 300 dpi.

· Tables are to be produced in the Word format and to contain only the necessary data – generalized and statistically processed materials repeating no data provided in the text.

· Describing the pharmaceuticals international nonproprietary names (INN) are to be indicated and the doses are to be precisely verified.

· References (List of bibliography) in the text of the article are to be marked by figures in square brackets in full correspondence with the article reference, where the authors are indicated according to the quotation in the text of the article. The list of bibliography is to contain: last name and initials of the author, name of the journal, year, number, references to the particular pages. The list of bibliography cannot contain unpublished works. Quotation of the electronic materials immediately presumes reference to the relevant Internet-resources – e-documents, data-bases, portals, sites, web-pages etc. The original article is recommended to involve no more than 20 verified reference sources. Review – no more than 50 reference sources. The quoted references, except the fundamental works, are to have been published predominantly within the recent few years.

· To publish articles in scientific periodicals included in the international data bases, the authors are to produce 2 lists of references: traditional (Литература) – all publications in the native language (the Russian words – in Cyrillic script, those foreign in Latin script) and References – description of the Russian references in Latin script [the authors last names, titles of the sources of publications and the names of the publishing houses are to be transliterated, the titles of the particular works (book, article, dissertation) are to be translated into English].

Further are provided the Lists of bibliography.

ЛИТЕРАТУРА (и на русском, и на иностранном языке) (по: ГОСТ Р 7.0.5 2008)


Баев О.Р. Эффективность и переносимость препаратов железа в профилактике и лечении анемии у беременных // Акуш. и гин. 2012.№ 8. С. 78–83.

Cerezo A., Costan G., Gonzale A. et al. Severe esophagitis due to overdose of iron tablets // Gastroenterol. Hepatol. 2008. Vol. 31, N 8. P. 551–552.


Стуклов Н.И., Козинец Г.И., Леваков С.А., Огурцов П.П. Анемии при гинекологических и онкогинекологических заболеваниях. М.: МИА, 2013. 220 с.

Материалы конгресса:

Винокурова С.А., Горшкова Н.Н., Крючков М.И. Трансфузиологическое обеспечение компонентами крови операций реваскуляризации миокарда // Материалы науч.-практ. конф. «Актуальные вопросы экстракорпоральной терапии». М., 2007. С. 112–113.


Бабаев М.А. Синдром полиорганной недостаточности после сердечно-сосудистых операций в условиях искусственного кровообращения : Автореф. дис. … д-ра мед. наук. М., 2011.

REFERENCES (на английском языке) (по: NLM – National Library of Medicine)


Baev O.R. Efficacy and tolerability of iron supplementation in the prevention and treatment of anemia in pregnant. Akusherstvo i ginekologiya [Obstetrics and Gynecology]. 2012; Vol. 8: 78–83. (in Russian)

Cerezo A., Costan G., Gonzale A., et al. Severe esophagitis due to overdose of iron tablets. Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2008; Vol. 31 (8): 551–2.


Stuklov N.I., Kozinets G.I., Levakov S.A., Ogurtsov P.P. Anemia, gynecological diseases and gynecological cancer. Moscow: Meditsina, 2013: 220 р. (in Russian)

Материалы конгресса:

Vinokurova S.A., Gorshkova N.N., Kryuchkov M.I. Transfusions of blood components to ensure the operations of myocardial revascularization. Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii "Aktual'nye voprosy ekstrakorporal'noy terapii [Proceedings of the scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of extracorporeal therapy"]. Moscow, 2007: 112–3. (in Russian)


Aganesov A.G. Surgical treatment of complicated trauma of the lower thoracic and lumbar spine: Diss. Moscow, 1983: 96–9. (in Russian)

Note: in case of transliteration of any necessary information please use the site, section BGN.

  • How can I deliver my article?

From January 1, 2021, scientific articles are sent to the editorial board of research and practical peer-reviewed journal "Obstetrics and gynecology: News, Opinions, Training" ONLY in an electronic form through the online form available on the journal's website - SEND ARTICLE.

  • Interests conflict and sources of budgeting

The authors are necessary to reflect any conflict of the interests (should any appear) which might have happened in a course of the article production. Ditto, any sources of budgeting (grants, etc).

  • Acknowledgement

The persons being not the authors of the article, however taking part in medical care provision to the patients or providing any technical assistance in producing the manuscript are eligible to be enlisted at the end of the article.

  • Covering Letter

The article directed to the editors’ office must be supported by the directional letter, which has to be send by separate file. Further we give an example of how to write it.


(Journal “Obstetrics and gynecology: news, opinions, training”)

Title of the article “……”

Authors (last, first and middle names) ………..

Author, responsible for correspondence with the editors:

Last, first and middle names:

Detailed address:



Hereby the author (-s) confirm(-s) that:

  • The article presented to the editors has not been previously published or is not being examined by any other scientific journals.
  • All the content of the presented work is known to all the co-authors who express their good will to the former publication.
  • When sending the manuscript for publication in the journal “Obstetrics and gynecology: News, Opinions, Training” together with illustrations and tables, the author (-s) agree (-s) to gratuitously delegate the authors rights to the Editor, acquiescent any publication and circulation of the materials in all available forms and areas of exploitation without limitations to the territory of circulation or language of the publication (with respect to the accept of the material for publication). At the same time the author (-s) confirm (-s) that the presented work will not be published anywhere else, in any language until they receive prior written permission of the authors’ rights holder, i.e. the Editor.
  • In case of the article approval the author (-s) agree (-s) to any editors corrections should any necessity in that is required.
  • The authors have reflected all the sources of the presented work budgeting as well as available conflict of the interests, including grants, fee for lectures and consultations and other possible forms.
  • The article has been produced in correspondence with the “Requirements to the publication in the journal “Obstetrics and gynecology: News, Opinions, Training”.
  • The protocol of the research has been approved by the local Committee for Ethics.
  • The patients included in the research had given their written (oral) informed consent.

Date Signature (with full name)

· Reviewing

Every scientific material (article) directed to our journal will be a subject to the expert analysis by no less than two independent peer-reviewers, as well as by the Chief Editor or his Deputy. Upon appreciation the selected for the publication may be modified and reduced (if necessary); the authors (by e-mail) will be provided with the edited version (lead out) of the article prior its publication.

· The Article After Reviewing

Before the final variant of the research article presentation, please, take to consideration ALL the comments of the peer-viewers. Together with the text of the final variant of the article a separate file with the table is to be presented, which should contain the peer-reviewers remarks in the left column, and your correctives or comments – in the right column.

The articles designed not according to these rules are neither reviewed nor returned to the authors.

No payment is presumed for publication of the manuscripts.

Sukhikh Gennadii Tikhonovich
Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, V.I. Kulakov Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology National Medical Research Center of Ministry of Healthсаre of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Kurtser Mark Arkadievich
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, MD, Professor, Head of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Subdepartment of the Pediatric Department, N.I. Pirogov Russian National Scientific Research Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Radzinsky Viktor Evseevich
Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, MD, Professor, Head of the Subdepartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology with a Course of Perinatology of the Medical Institute in the Russian People?s Friendship University named after P. Lumumbа

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