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4 . 2022

Principles of managing patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus in programs of assisted reproductive technologies


Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection goes beyond the vulnerable groups to HIV infection and is rapidly spreading throughout the general population. At the same time, the majority of HIV-infected people are of reproductive age and plan to have children. Currently, many previously controversial issues regarding the possibility of pregnancy planning, both independently and with the use of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) in people living with HIV, have been resolved. The principles and system of measures to provide assistance to patients of this group have been developed. ART in these couples is used not only for the treatment of infertility, but also as a measure to prevent infection of a healthy partner. However, despite the progress made in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of HIV infection, the problem remains extremely relevant, especially in patients of reproductive age.

This article presents current data on ART in patients with HIV infection. Particular attention is paid to the indications, contraindications and requirements for ART, as well as the effectiveness of cycles in this group of patients.

Keywords:assisted reproductive technologies; human immunodeficiency virus

Funding. The study had no sponsor support.

Conflict of interest. The authors declare no conflict of interest.

For citation: Mityurina E.V., Perminova S.G., Baranov I.I. Principles of managing patients infected with the human immunodeficiency virus in programs of assisted reproductive technologies. Akusherstvo i ginekologiya: novosti, mneniya, obuchenie [Obstetrics and Gynecology: News, Opinions, Training]. 2022; 10 (4): 61–6. DOI: (in Russian)


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Sukhikh Gennadii Tikhonovich
Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, V.I. Kulakov Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology National Medical Research Center of Ministry of Healthсаre of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Kurtser Mark Arkadievich
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, MD, Professor, Head of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Subdepartment of the Pediatric Department, N.I. Pirogov Russian National Scientific Research Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Radzinsky Viktor Evseevich
Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, MD, Professor, Head of the Subdepartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology with a Course of Perinatology of the Medical Institute in the Russian People?s Friendship University named after P. Lumumbа

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