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3 . 2021

Labor induction in full-term pregnancy. Cervidil - intravaginal therapeutic system with dinoprostone


The problem of programmed labor is very multifaceted and for many decades the interest of researchers around the world in this problem has only increased.

The aim of the article was to study modern strategies for effective cervical preparation using vaginal prostaglandin E2, since correctly performed pre-induction is the basis for successful programmed labor.

An analysis and review of 38 literature sources devoted to various aspects of problems of induced labor (increasing frequency of their usage worldwide, labor induction methods, key success factors, central role of prostaglandins in preparing for labour, cervical ripening and in childbirth) was carried out.

Particular attention has been paid to Cervidil intravaginal therapeutic system usage which is containing 10 mg of controlled-release dinoprostone for cervical preparation. Advantages of this form of dinoprostone administration, as well as new directions for researches, that may expanding already existing instruction of prostaglandin E2 vaginal usage and can demonstrate their effectiveness are indicated.

Keywords:unripe cervix, pre-induction, cervical preparation, labor induction, prostaglandins, dinoprostone, Cervidil

Funding. The author received no financial support.

Conflict of interest. The author declares no conflict of interest.

For citation: Labor induction in full-term pregnancy. Cervidil - intravaginal therapeutic system with dinoprostone. Akusherstvo i ginekologiya: novosti, mneniya, obuchenie [Obstetrics and Gynecology: News, Opinions, Training].2021; 9 (3): 46-51. DOI: (in Russian)


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Sukhikh Gennadii Tikhonovich
Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, V.I. Kulakov Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology National Medical Research Center of Ministry of Healthсаre of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Kurtser Mark Arkadievich
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, MD, Professor, Head of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Subdepartment of the Pediatric Department, N.I. Pirogov Russian National Scientific Research Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Radzinsky Viktor Evseevich
Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, MD, Professor, Head of the Subdepartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology with a Course of Perinatology of the Medical Institute in the Russian People?s Friendship University named after P. Lumumbа

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