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3 . 2018

Protein p16 and Ki-67 expression evaluation as markers of cervical intraepitelial neoplasia in pregnancy


It revealed the literature data on the possibility of using the expression of Ki-67 and p16 proteins as predictors in pregnant women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. It is noted that a number of researchers consider these proteins as potential biomarkers of cervical cancer, while the expression of molecules correlates with the histological stage of neoplasia and the infection of women with human papillomavirus. Information is provided on the levels of Ki-67 and p16 in foci of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia diagnosed during pregnancy. It was shown that the correlation between p16/Ki-67 expression and CIN is more pronounced in non-pregnant women, while in pregnant women the increase in expression of these markers is less correlated with the degree of dysplasia. It has been suggested that pregnancy interferes with the expression of cellular proteins involved in the regulation of the cell cycle, as well as the process of carcinogenesis caused by human papillomavirus of high carcinogenic risk.

Keywords:pregnancy, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, biological markers, Ki-67 protein, p16 protein

Obstetrics and Gynecology: News, Opinions, Training. 2018; 6 (3): 113-8. doi: 10.24411/2303-9698-2018-13013.

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Sukhikh Gennadii Tikhonovich
Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, V.I. Kulakov Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology National Medical Research Center of Ministry of Healthсаre of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Kurtser Mark Arkadievich
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, MD, Professor, Head of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Subdepartment of the Pediatric Department, N.I. Pirogov Russian National Scientific Research Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Radzinsky Viktor Evseevich
Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, MD, Professor, Head of the Subdepartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology with a Course of Perinatology of the Medical Institute in the Russian People?s Friendship University named after P. Lumumbа

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