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4 . 2017

Dynamics of subpopulation structure of lymphocytes of peripheral blood at patients with a habitual abortion of alloimmunny genesis during pregnancy


In this study the authors estimated immunological indicators in women with idiopathic recurrent abortion (RA) after immunocytotherapy during all gestational period. The analysis of gestational complications and pregnancy outcomes was also conducted.

The aim of the study was to investigate NK cells, CD200+ and Treg-cells subpopulations dynamics, in patients with idiopathic RA during pregnancy, which developed after first-trimester immunocytotherapy.

Material and methods. The study included 100 patients with idiopathic RA. 49 of them became pregnant after prepregnancy immunocytotherapy (group with pregestational preparation, including 2 alloimmunization procedures); 23 patients became pregnant without pregestational preparation (group without pregestational preparation ). Also, in the study control group were included with 42 women of different gestational age. Phenotyping of peripheral blood lymphocytes was carried out. Blood for analysis was taken from pregnant women in fasting state from median cubital vein at 5-6 weeks of gestational age before alloimmunization, then at 8-9 weeks of gestational age after first alloimmunization procedure and before 2nd procedure, at 12 weeks of gestational age (3-4 weeks after 2nd alloimmunization procedure) and further during entire pregnancy at 16, 20, 25, 30, 34 and 37-38 weeks of gestational age.

Results. In women with adverse recent pregnancy outcome NK-cells subpopulations content was significantly lower than in control group, and in women with preterm labor in recent pregnancy Treg-cells content was also significantly lower than in control group. There were no differences in subpopulation composition of lymphocytes of patients with RA in prepregnancy preparation group and in control group (from 12 weeks of gestation) in contrast to patients with RA without prepregnancy preparation. It can be assumed that 2 alloimmunization procedures in I trimester is not enough for patients with recurrent abortion immune system recovery. Pregestational alloimmunization is necessary for patients with RA pregnancy preparation.

Conclusion. Immunization of pregnant women with sexual partner cells led to inflammatory responses balance and achievement the immune system state which promoted carrying of this pregnancy.

Keywords:habitual miscarriage, T-regulatory cells, CD200, homoimmune genesis, prepregnancy preparation, immunocyto- therapy

DOI: 10.24411/2303-9698-2017-00003

All articles in our journal are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0 license)

Sukhikh Gennadii Tikhonovich
Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, V.I. Kulakov Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology National Medical Research Center of Ministry of Healthсаre of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Kurtser Mark Arkadievich
Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, MD, Professor, Head of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Subdepartment of the Pediatric Department, N.I. Pirogov Russian National Scientific Research Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Radzinsky Viktor Evseevich
Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, MD, Professor, Head of the Subdepartment of Obstetrics and Gynecology with a Course of Perinatology of the Medical Institute in the Russian People?s Friendship University named after P. Lumumbа

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